Valentina Vučičić
By Valentina Vučičić /

Seven health benefits of camping – go camping now!

Seven health benefits of camping - go camping now!

Camping has numerous health benefits for your mind and body. No matter the age, embark on a camping adventure and read the top seven health benefits of camping!

Here are the top seven health benefits of camping:

1. Tranquility and relaxation of mind and body


There is nothing to disturb your state of being while camping in nature. Firstly, nature provides incredible peace and relaxation like no place on Earth. Indeed, the perfect blend of a wind breeze, birds chirping, water sounds, and other animals make one unique setting that brings inner peace. We all know that nowadays, we live in hectic environments. WE lead fast lives with a bunch of stressors. Thus, our well-being needs to spend some time in nature. If not daily, then weekly. A weekend getaway on a camping spot can be a solution for your current anxious and stressful state. We must allow this to ourselves. Nature recharges our batteries, and only after being recharged, we can come back better – more productive, rested, and ready for new wins in our professional – work lives. Thus, camping is one of the best outdoor adventures!

2. Unplugging - improved mental health

We all are scrolling a lot and using technology in our daily lives. Sometimes, we do not even notice how much we use digital devices. Thus, unplugging in a complete sense is crucial to rest our brains. Without any doubt, unplugging from a digital world also helps with increased happiness and improves mood. Being away from screens can significantly enhance your mental health and allow you to rest properly. You may not feel how tired you are, but your brain is indeed tired from so much information you consume in your daily life. So unplugging is one of the best health benefits of camping.

3. More exercises, and vitamin D boost as benefits of camping

Camping requires more physical exercise to gather, prepare and store food, get around a campsite and manage your shelter well. In that sense, camping forces you to be more active while being efficient and having fun. Plus, if there is sun, camping in summer can be a terrific chance to catch some vitamin D. We all need to function well. Sunshine plus fresh air – can it be better? Above that, camping in summer allows you to play different outdoor games and activities. Bring some balls and enjoy football, tennis, or volleyball while camping as extra exercise! Another health benefit of camping is healing after illness: physical or mental illness. Also, you can learn new things while camping. For instance, how to set up a tent! The best part? Your problem-solving skills also grow. Camping is ideal for family bonding adventures!


4. Reduced Stress

Everyone suffers from stress. But to avoid stress or to rest from stress, we have to get away sometimes to a stress-free environment. Nature is indeed the best stress-free environment where there is not much that can make you mad, irritate you or make you feel as stressed as you feel at your work. Science is also backing up this fact. Nature truly helps with stress! Thus, if you feel overwhelmed sometimes, maybe it is the right time to take a break, pack your things, get some camping gear, and hit those nature paths for a proper camping spot! Trust me – you will get out of it as a better person thanks to camping, camping benefits are enormous! Try lakeside camping with tent.

5. Better relationships - bonding

Bonding is indeed one of the health benefits of camping. So go camping and invite your friends or family. Bond together like never before in a natural environment where all you have to do is think for the community, have fun and enjoy the magnificent nature. Without screens around, without traffic sounds, without any stress – camping is the best place to start talks you always wanted, dates you always wished for, and time you never get to chance to have with your closest ones. Also, people tend to relax more in such natural environments, so maybe a date idea for camping is a terrific start for something new. Something deeper. Strengthen those relationships via romantic trips or family bonding trips. To do that – nature will help you! Explore Hrcavka canyon.

6. Improved memory

Camping allows you a lot of time to focus. Without alarm clocks, without any external stressors and loads of information from social media. Your focus increases and your ability to enjoy NOW climbs to a new level. Did you know that studies found how meditation improves memory and brain functions? Climbing may not help you become more intelligent but can promote your brain functions. In the end, that results in better intelligence results. Plus, it can be free or for a reasonable amount of money. While dementia is a worldwide spread disease, you can do something to avoid it at a later, elderly age. So dear, please, go camping to improve your memory!

7. Better sleep

seven health benefits of camping,health benefits of camping,benefits of camping,camping benefits

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Insomnia is one of the biggest problems in the modern world. Indeed, screens are one of the biggest reasons that many people have problems sleeping or falling asleep. Melatonin is disturbed thanks to all those hours spent in front of our screens. But here is the good news. Nature significantly improves your ability to fall asleep faster and peacefully. Besides, while camping, you can relax more, but you also get more tired. Camping is an ongoing activity where you often need something to eat or drink – prepare it, go to the loo – find it, clean it, etc.

Also, things in nature can often go wrong, so you have to make yourself a decent shelter, a place to relax but not be wet or uncomfortable, etc. And we all know how sweet and fast we all fall asleep after a busy, tiring day, right? That is why camping is a way to go. Also, the relaxing and peaceful natural environment relaxes your senses and your brain overall, which also helps with better sleep. That means – no drama. Your dreams my dear will be just landscapes, soothing sounds, and pretty scenes. For a luxury camping, try glamping!

Conclusion on seven health benefits of camping

Seven health benefits of camping are just a few amongst so many health benefits that this activity offers. So please, go camping with proper camping gear and improve your state of well-being, and mental and physical health. Remember, health is the most important because, without health, we are poor. Explore more outdoor activities that can improve your health

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