Valentina Vučičić
By Valentina Vučičić /

Canyoning adventures: What are the best canyoning in Balkans

Canyoning adventures are the best adrenaline rush adventures out there! Embark on an entertaining canyoning tour and wake up that wild inner spirit in you!

What is considered canyoneering?

Canyoneering is simply the exploration of some canyon. You go from one point to another point with many techniques. Those techniques include hiking, sliding, stemming, scrambling, chimneying, and rappelling. We can say that canyoning is a sort of hiking, but with a helmet, a harness, and appropriate rope systems. But do not worry. All activities are combined. That means you will do all the activities at least a bit. Even the butt-sliding, which is fun. And easy!


What is the best thing about canyoning adventure?

Canyoning adventure lets you explore Mother Nature entirely. This activity allows you to discover the canyons which are usually less visited. Also, less approachable.

Besides, canyoning helps you to confront your fears and doubts. Oh yes, there will be challenges! But challenges help you become stronger, braver, and more confident! For me, the best part was nature. Indeed, you get to see some of the most remote parts of the canyon. You can see no one was passing there ever, or rarely. The beauty of nature in the palm of your hand!

Is canyoneering an extreme sport?

Every sport and activity involving some adrenaline rush has risks. Every sport, in general, has its risks. The truth is: outdoor adventures and activities provide risk constantly. But that is the beauty too! Risk and those scary, nervous feelings make all those recreational activities entertaining! Indeed, you may experience an adrenaline rush from falling to climbing or paddling through powerful rapids. But that risk you experience, in those moments, plays a role in how you learn from the experience about yourself and life in general. If you are unsure about what adventure activity to try, find out the amazing outdoor adventures in 31 days for every age.

Many activities during the canyoning tour will teach you a lot about yourself and how you can react in potentially scary and stressful situations. But you cannot learn all that while watching movies – you must experience it on your skin! That is where the canyoning adventure becomes beneficial! Maybe canyoning is extreme by some or less extreme such as paragliding tandem. Find out more details about the tandem paragliding experience here. It is worth trying!


What about the risks during the canyoning adventure?

In canyoning, most of the risk is perceived. That means we see situations as risky even if they are not. We also brainstorm about the potential outcomes while the actual risk is minimum. For example, the true risk in canyoneering is flash floods and rockfalls. However, the professional instructors prepare and check equipment before the canyoning tour. Also, the guides always double-check the check weather reports before embarking on a canyoning adventure and entering a canyon. Helmets are necessary throughout the whole canyoning adventure for safety reasons.

On the other hand, the risk you perceive is subjective.

For instance, a perceived risk for many people is the fear of heights and the fear of falling. Luckily, the instructors will help you with these fears and perceived risks through rope systems. These rope systems will support your weight. Indeed, this will make everything more smooth and less scary.

Beware that all the instructors are here to help you not only with the most memorable adventure but to help you cope with your fears and doubts. With their help, the canyoning adventure becomes easy and fun as it is supposed to be!

Adrenaline adventures such as canyoneering are full of adrenaline rush. If you are not familiar with adrenaline that much, well, now is the time to experience it with the help of professionals! However, beware that canyoneering is not a joke. You should never try it without professionals and professional equipment! Injuries can happen without any guidance, and some can mark you forever. Please, always book a canyoning adventure with professionals!

What equipment do you need for canyoning?

Firstly, be prepared for canyoning mentally and physically. Indeed, you cannot go to canyoning with a broken leg, sprained ankle, huge back pain, etc. You do not have to be a marathon runner, either. But beware that you will be active for at least 3 hours during the canyoneering. Yet, careful planning will make everything easier. Now, I will share all the things that you should consider. Many of these things are part of a professional guide job. But in any case, it is good to know them.


1. Flash Floods

Flash floods caused by storms can be life-threatening as the water level rises quickly and rushes down the canyon. You want to avoid that. Thus, no canyoneering during flash floods pleases and heavy rain. Your instructor will know the right day for a canyoning adventure.

2. Route Description and The Map

If you have a professional guide, you can always rely on them, which will be enough. However, it is always good to know the map. In case something happens to your guide, you should be able to know which way you all should continue, especially if there is only one professional guide in the group. You see, you must complete the route, and the canyon, as that is the only way to get out of it and finish the canyoning adventure. Canyoneering is all about going down from up, not going up.

3. Flashlight / Headlamp

The flashlight is here, just in case. Flashlights can make a huge difference if you spend unintended hours during the darker parts of the day. Your professional guide will probably have one.

4. First Aid Kit

That is a must-have because even a slight injury can cause problems in the wilderness. Your professional guide will have it for sure. But it is always good to have something with you.

5. Extra Clothing

You will get wet no matter the dry suit to keep you warm. It is always wise to have extra clothing and to be dry afterward.

6. Extra Food

Canyoneering is an active adventure. That means you will lose a lot of energy. Food keeps your energy up. Besides, food keeps you warm too. Do not forget that canyoning is not only about the canyon and its activities. But also about the water. Most of the time you will spend in the water. Moving around, your thicker swimsuit and eating help you remain warm. Please, do not forget how to behave in nature regarding trash. In case you forgot, read our blog article about being a responsible camper, whether camping for a night or staying just for a few hours in nature,

7. Ropes, Harnesses, and Rappelling Equipment

Your professional guide/s will prepare it – enough for all the participants and some extra. Every group member needs to have their harness and rappel device. Sharing this equipment slows down the whole group. On the other hand, there should not be not many members as this can slow down the group too. A good number is anywhere from 2 members to 10, plus the professional guide.


8. Anchor Equipment

That is something else your professional guide will have.

9. Backup Equipment

Backpack equipment is also a must because it can be the case that some members need extra help. Your professional guide will for sure have it.

10. Helmet

Rockfalls are dangerous and can cause severe injuries. Please, do not take off your helmet during the whole canyoning adventure. Indeed, helmets you will get before entering the canyon.

11. Water

Bring at least 2 or 1.5 L of water per person. Do not drink untreated water because the water in the wilderness is not always safe. Do not risk during the canyoning adventure. The least that you need is to feel sick.

12. Drysuit

Wetsuits or dry suits are necessary to prevent hypothermia. Your professional guides will offer you dry suits included in the price or for some extra amount if you do not have yours. However, most companies have them included in the price. Try to ask for dry socks and shoes as well – those will keep you extra warm. Do not accept dry suits under 4 mm or 5 mm to keep you warm. For instance, the 3 mm drysuits are too thin.

What is the best canyoning in the Balkans?

One of the unique canyoning experiences is canyoning through the Hrčavka canyon. This canyon is full of surprises. Then, an outstanding Nevidio Canyon is a real challenge for adventurers.

The adventure through this canyon is full of adrenaline rush. Suppose you have tried all the mentioned ones, head to the South of Serbia to a hidden gem called the Vucjanka canyon. This long and untouched canyon will blow your mind! Book your canyoning adventure in the Balkans!

Canyoning adventures,thrill seeker activities,adrenaline canyon adventures,balkan adventures,Best Canyoning in Balkans

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Final words

To sum up, canyoning adventure is not only for you if you are an adrenaline rush lover. A canyoning adventure is also for you if you want to jump out of your comfort zone and try something new and exciting! No, canyoneering is not dangerous or as extreme as you may think. If you book a canyoning tour with professionals, you can be sure the risks are minimal! Let canyoneering be another new activity you tried in your life. I promise it will teach you many things about yourself and life you didn’t know because canyoning adventure is fun, cool, and highly educational! So, are you ready for that “bye comfort zone” jump?

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