Valentina Vučičić
By Valentina Vučičić /

The Ultimate Guide for New Hikers: Hiking for Beginners

The Ultimate Guide for New Hikers: Hiking for Beginners

Hiking is a perfect way to take the plunge and embark outdoors on an adventure. With a bit of planning, preparation, and our hiking guide, almost anyone can do it, including you!

Hiking is a healthy outdoor activity, developed already during the Stone Age. About half a million years ago, right after humans learned how to stand upright and walk. Back in the time, walking and hiking meant hunting and surviving. However, today, hiking is an entertainment and recreation. While hiking, you can discover the true beauty of nature. You can explore different paths, hidden trails, and gems you never knew existed! Besides, hiking is perhaps the best transport because you depend on your own two feet while carrying what you need on your back.

On top of that, there are many benefits of hiking. Hiking is a perfect activity for our health, both physical and mental! If you have never hiked before, you are in the right place to learn how to become a hiker, what is crucial for hiking, tips and tricks, and much more information that will help you embark bravely on your first hiking adventure! Back up and enjoy our hiking for beginners the ultimate guide for new hikers that will help you in your future hiking adventures.

This easy ultimate guide for new hikers has everything you need to know to hike safely, smartly, and not look like a bozo...

Okay, first things first, you have to answer three crucial questions especially new hikers:

1. Where to hike?

2. Do I have a hiking buddy?

3. Do I have appropriate gear for hiking?

1. Where to hike?

Choosing a hiking route is the first step. Beware that you cannot pick the hiking route just because it looks nice. There are a few aspects you should consider before choosing your perfect hiking route, here are all of them:

– Your fitness level: This is the time when you have to be honest with yourself. Do not play Hulk. Do not force yourself. The whole idea of hiking is to enjoy the trip, not to suffer along the way. If you plan a long hiking route with a high elevation gain, better set some time aside before embarking on an adventure. Better train for a bigger catch.

Train for a couple of days or better weeks, or months in advance. Long hiking trails demand a great fitness shape. Otherwise, your hiking experience will start with a torture experience, and you might end up in muscle pain afterwards. Start small. Over time, you will experience many benefits of hiking. Discover why hiking is the perfect mind & body workout.

Explore terrific trails such as Trnovacko Lake hiking, embark on the Rtanj hiking tour in Serbia, discover hiking near Zagreb, or Hike to Iron Gate, Djerdap National Park.


– Available time: How much time do you have? Are you having the whole day free planned only for your hiking adventure, or are there more obligations during the day waiting for you? The amount of time you are having will determine the location and hiking routes you will take. Do not forget you will have to go back once you reach your desired spot.

-Distance: Think well about how many hours and kilometres you are comfortable hiking. Add to that the weight of your backpack, past injuries, or disabilities/needs. Think about how the terrain looks. And what is the highest elevation gain you are planning to reach? Then, you can plan the desired distance and the feasibility of the whole hiking adventure.

-Elevation gain: Of course, a lower elevation gain is a lot easier to handle than the higher one. With each new 300m, you have to add one more hour to your trip. Since this is a hiking guide for beginners, I advise you to set extra time for the first few hiking adventures. Over time, you will get a sense of how much you can handle and how many hours you will approximately need for any elevation gain. If more people are with you, especially kids or the elderly, set some extra time aside just in case.

-Your gear: If your wish is a dangerous and complicated hiking trail where additional safety equipment is necessary, you cannot hit that trail without having the proper equipment. You can, but it may cost you your life. So do not ever try that! Safety comes first, then everything else!

-Weather and time of the year: Some hiking trails may not be accessible due to snow, strong wind, etc. Plus, depending on the season, the night is falling earlier than usual. Always check the weather forecast before embarking on your hiking adventure. Packing and preparing can make your trip more pleasant and even save your life!

-Organization: Some hiking trails are more complicated than others. For example, some start at one place and finish at another. In that event, you need to arrange the transport

1. Do I have a hiking buddy? - hiking for beginners tips

If you are not comfortable hiking alone, ask someone to join you! or you join them! It can be your friend, a family member or a new person you have never met before! It is wiser to choose experienced hikers who will be more than happy to show you their favourite trails and share many tips and tricks. If you have a hard time finding the perfect hiking buddy, you can also join hiking communities or people via hiking classes, Facebook groups, Meetup, etc. You can also suggest to your boss to organize a team building!

Hiking alone

Hiking for beginners is the best experience in a company, especially for new hikers. The main reason is this one: your buddy can always lend a hand if you happen to get hurt or if you forgot some gear with you. But experiencing the outdoors alone gives you a precious sense of freedom and adventure. I hiked many times alone, and I can tell you this is true. Also, you are never alone when you are in nature! On the other hand, hiking alone can also be intimidating at times. Plus, you can feel lonely, and that is a feeling no one likes.

If there is no other option than going alone, then start with popular hiking routes. Or short trails. In the beginning, do not go more than 1000 m above sea level. The most important part of hiking alone is to make sure someone always knows where you are, and how long you plan to be away. I also advise you to carry a mobile phone, have enough credit on your phone to make calls, and get an internet package. It will help you with getting around and Googling all you might need on your way.

WhatsApp and similar apps allow you to share your live location for a couple of hours with your close ones. This is very handy in case of an injury or an accident. Always remember – when it comes to hiking, safety comes in the first place!


3. Do I have appropriate gear for hiking?

The best part of hiking is that everyone can do it! No matter how financially stable you are, you can get those few essential items and hit desired picturesque hiking trails! This hiking guide will help you choose the essential hiking gear you will need for the beginning!

Ten most important hiking gear items from the ultimate guide:

1. First aid: This piece of equipment can save your life! You do not have to be a medical pro, but it is wise to have a basic first-aid kit and know how to use it. The farther you go, the greater the chance you might need it. You never know.

2. Sunscreen: We all know how the sun can be dangerous during the spring/summer. But do not underestimate the power of the sun during the autumn and winter times. Exposing your skin to sun rays can cause many problems, including the worst one – melanoma or skin cancer. If your skin burns only once, you have a bigger chance to get it. I advise you: always carry sunscreen SPF at least 30 or more and apply it on your face before hiking – if the weather forecast shows some sun. It is also wise to always have a cap and sunglasses for extra protection.

3. Illumination: You never know what can go wrong and how your plans can develop during the hiking trip. If the night falls sooner than expected or you lose something, it is great to have a least small and quality lamp.

4. Hiking footwear: Quality footwear can also save your life! By wearing proper footwear, you will not experience – or you will experience less – muscle pain afterwards. In that sense, hiking footwear is the most important part of your gear. But also, it is a very personal choice. In my opinion, over-the-ankle footwear is the best choice. It will save you from ankle injuries such as sprained ankle injuries. This is one of the most important hiking for beginners tips. It is all about footwear!

Unfortunately, I am telling you this from my experience and spraining my ankle due to under-ankle-footwear cost me a few weeks of not moving and laying in my bed. Equally important, know the terrain where you are heading off to – are there rocks, many obstacles, grass, and well-maintained trails or not? Knowing your hiking trail at least a bit will help you choose the proper footwear for that day. Your footwear should be comfortable. Oh, never hike in Air max footwear and such!

5. Hiking backpack: The size of your backpack will depend on the size of the hiking trail. For short routes, you will need a backpack of 15 to 20 litres. For long ones, you will need a backpack from 20 to 30 litres or more. The ultimate guide for new hikers must contain sufficient backpack advice!


6. Insulated and rainproof clothes: You might need extra warm, and rainproof clothes. Always check the weather forecast, and if you are not sure about it, one rainproof jacket well packed will not be much of a bugger. When it comes to hiking, it is all about the layers. Always have an extra T-shirt, socks to change into once you are wet from sweating. Quick-dry clothing is the best kind of clothing you can wear on your hiking adventure.

7. Food and water: In the beginning, it will probably be hard to choose the right amount of food and water. Most likely, bring too much or too little. But do not worry, all comes with experience! We will all be there! It is good to eat somewhere between 200–300 calories per hour and about a half-litre of water per hour of moderate activity in moderate temperatures. The amounts depend on a few factors: the weather, the intensity of your hike, your age, body type, etc. With more experience, you will be better and better at calculating how much you need.

Anything extra is an extra weight on your back. Yet, it’s always a good idea to carry a bit more water and food, just in case your trip becomes longer than planned. Beware that anything more than 3 litres can be heavy, so consider freshwater sources, rivers, and such to refill your insulated steel bottle and save yourself from back pain. Also, insulated steel water bottles are the best choice. They are keeping your water cold even on hot summer days.

8. Navigation: If your phone is dead or low on battery, it is wise to have another navigation with you.

9. Emergency shelter: Depending on the season of the year and the weather, it is wise to carry something to cover yourself while the heavy rain or storm passes. Use the nature shelter to protect yourself, if needed.

10. Useful tools: A knife is always a great idea to have with you: a Swiss knife or preferably something else, a lighter to make the fire if needed, and some repair tools for your gear.


Additional hiking considerations - hiking for beginners tips

Going to the toilet: Peeing in nature is such a good feeling, but there are a few things to consider. Pee at least 70 steps away from the hiking trail. If you are a woman, carry a zip bag and throw it in. When you come home, dump the paper in your toilet. Another solution for pooping is digging a hole and burying your poop and toilet paper in it. However, some areas are not allowing it. So always have human disposable bags with you. After, use any hand sanitiser to clean your hands.

Hiking with period: Good preparation is crucial here. Just do not forget to bring along menstrual supplies with you and know how to manage them efficiently. I would say that the menstrual cup is the best menstrual accessory. Less trash, less dirt, less smell, fewer worries. However, you must have a PH-neutral soap with you and a bit of extra water to clean the cup and wash your hands.

Hiking with kids and dogs: Kids of almost any age can go hiking but pay attention to which hiking routes you are taking as some may be too hard for little kids. Keep them warm, fed, and dry, and make sure you are keeping them entertained by stopping to observe the plants, animals, rocks, etc. When it comes to dogs, the first step is to check. Check if you are allowed to take your pet. Always carry enough poop bags for your dog, food, snacks, and enough water. If your dog is tiny, do not hit the long hiking routes. Remember, new hikers often do such mistakes. But with this hiking for beginners the ultimate guide, you will not have such problems!

Get ready for hiking with your dog!

Hiking for Beginners,the ultimate guide for new hikers,new hikers,the ultimate guide,hiking for beginners tips

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As you can see from our ultimate guide for new hikers and hiking for beginners, it is possible to embark on a hiking journey no matter your age, fitness level, financial situation, etc. However, the most important thing from all written above is to plan and prepare. Along the way, make sure you take care of the environment properly, leaving no trace and waste behind you, picking no plants, and respecting wildlife and other visitors. New hikers or old hikers, anyone can do it! Remember our hiking for beginners tips and embark on a walking outdoor adventure! Do not worry because will help you to choose the perfect outdoor activity!

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