Valentina Vučičić
By Valentina Vučičić /

Top 10 New Year Resolutions Ideas For 2022 – Happy New Year!

Don’t you think this may be the perfect year to set realistic resolutions? Thus, read on to see the top New Year resolutions ideas for 2022 and consider some!

Celebrating New Year is a tradition held worldwide. New Year, New Me – the phrase is quite famous. No wonder why! The new year is a fresh start another epic year ahead of us. A new year means new beginnings, hope for a better future, more success, better health, and everything better than you had in the previous year. Indeed, your annual resolutions may feel different than before due to the current world, pandemic situation. But that does not mean you should not start making some!

While many hate making New Year Resolutions due to numerous reasons, others love to reprioritize some old goals, set new ones, and make a visual map of how they would love their future to look. Grasping new opportunities feels a lot easier with some plan, right? So for that reason, we are here to help you by sharing the top 10 New Year resolution ideas for 2022 you could consider!

1. Prioritize your mental and physical health

Indeed, losing weight, quitting sugar, meat, alcohol, coffee, and such are probably the most popular New Year resolutions. But try to do it differently in 2022. Instead of working out to look good or look thinner, try to work out to feel good. Instead of giving away your free time to social media scrolling, try to invest in your education. Read more books, learn some new skills or take some classes. The times are getting heavier due to the current pandemic situation. It seems like the current situation will not leave us for a long time, or ever. Keeping your mental health on a decent level will be crucial to survival. Remember, only the strongest ones survive. So be the strong one, both physically and mentally. Remember, knowledge is the food for your brain, nutrients, love, and peace. Oh yes, nature as well!


2. Look more after your finances

Indeed, the times are getting more and more unstable. Economic crisis knocks on our doors more often. Uncertainty is something we should accept and live by it. Planning your finances can secure your future. Also, it can make sure you are not hungry if all falls apart. But not only that! Tracking your finances and setting financial goals can:


– Manage your debts


– Review your household spendings


– Build savings


– Increase cash flow

3. Choose more sustainable ways of living and eating

The New Year is a perfect time to start with something different – a new way of living. Instead of wishing to live differently, now is the chance to practice that different life you always wanted! Start small, and little by little, make larger changes. For example, you can ditch your old and nasty, consuming habits such as smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol. Those will already save you a bunch of money! But also, think wider than that! A human activity made some devastating changes and damages on planet Earth. For that reason, global warming – it is more than ever crucial to gather and start living differently – is more in correlation with nature. Even small changes can make a significant impact! For instance, you could also eat less meat, buy less plastic, etc.

4. Do random acts of kindness more often

Be kind towards yourself and others! Random acts of kindness do not cost anything, yet, they bring a lot! Recent research show how self-compassion slows our sweating and heart rate and sweating! These two mentioned symptoms are being produced by our bodies, under chronic stress! Thus, invest some time each day and focus on bringing a smile to someone’s else face and your face! Remember, happiness is more powerful when doubles!

5. Read more books

Books are providing knowledge like no other! Reading gives peace, escapism, and pure joy. Indeed, many people do not like reading, but reading is a habit that you can learn. Most successful people read a lot! Try to find there your inspiration and will to read more in 2022! This New Year resolution idea can help you be more successful and happier in the future. Besides, studies prove reading helps lower stress levels, improves your concentration and memory. It also improves your writing skills! Try different books and see which niches suit you the best!

6. Disconnect more to connect – reconnect with nature


We are all addicted to our phones. Indeed, life depends a lot on the internet. However, it is important to dose it well. Be more careful in 2022 who you follow and what kind of content you consume. It all reflects your state of being and your mood. Recognize if you are addicted to your phone and work more on that. Balance well the time off from your screen and embark on an adventure outdoors! You can do just a healthy, daily walk or something else such as a hiking adventure or horseback riding! Time outdoors is crucial for keeping ourselves sane and healthy! Thus, disconnect to reconnect with nature!

7. Free yourself - get more often out of your comfort zone

Reflect on who you were and who you want to be in 2022. Getting more often out of your comfort zone is a great New Year resolution idea that will shape the new YOU. If you keep confronting your fears and try new things, you will feel more fulfilled in years to come! Try some adrenaline activities such as tandem paragliding flight!


8. Do at least one trip a year!

Take more trips with no destination in mind! Hit those hiking trails, drive along those crazy roads, fly in the skies with fun tandem paragliding and discover the beauties of hidden nature. Trips of any kind are not expenses. They are investments to your personal development, your knowledge, and experiences that last for a lifetime! Do one trip a year does not need to be abroad. It can be a trip to a nearby mountain, city, or village! Travel abroad might not be able like before, but the world is impressive and beautiful. Every corner hides a perfect corner you could discover! There is a lot more to be explored in front of our noses!

9. Join!

Join clubs, sports teams, therapies, volunteer organizations, dating apps, creative or dance classes. If you join many places and clubs, you will have the chance to meet new people. By joining to different clubs, you will also brush new skills, but also develop more as a persona! The beauty of this resolution can do to it more than once through the year! You cannot know what suits you the best if you do not try it!

10. Explore more hobbies


Hobbies are fun and necessary for inner peace and feeling satisfied! If you are satisfied and happy, people will notice that and feel joyful too! It is like a puzzle. If you feel good from the inside, everything else will most likely be good and go in a better direction. Of course, life is not a perfect flower that forever blooms, but essentially, if you observe the world from colorful glasses, the world will often look like that. Hobbies help you to stay engaged and entertained. There are so many hobbies out there, so try out some and see what works the best for you! Try horseback riding classes, off-road adventures, hiking trips, kayak tours, drawing classes, split boarding, singing, or camping but stay a responsible camper!


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Final thoughts

To wrap up, let the New Year 2022 be the best year so far! Be easy on yourself, do not put a lot of pressure on your goals and expectations, and go slowly! Baby steps are crucial. Most importantly, love yourself first! That is one of the best New Year Resolution ideas for 2022! To love yourself more and treat yourself more! Indeed, this is the only way to share that great love towards everyone else and everything else! Happy New Year!

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