Valentina Vučičić
By Valentina Vučičić /

Sustainable Camping » How to be a responsible camper » SVOOD

Sustainable Camping » How to be a responsible camper » SVOOD

We have to take care of the environment where we camp to preserve the planet Earth. Start with sustainable camping and eco-friendly camping – be a responsible camper now! Learn more…

We – humans, produce an enormous amount of trash every single day. The negative impact on the environment is visible. Yes, we have to live. And yes, we have to enjoy it. Then again, we have to give to get. In other words, if we want to get that free and fresh air from nature, we must maintain it well. So that nature can continue producing, all that it needs and what we need. That is the only way this planet can continue existing. That can happen if WE help her.

In the end, only humans will vanish away. Nature will find its way. Luckily, there are many ways to help prevent environmental disasters. At least, the bigger ones may happen sooner or later if we still keep on hitting the same road – over and over again. So read on to learn what we, as responsible campers, can do to prevent that. Thus, read on to learn how to enjoy sustainable and eco-friendly camping or glamping!

What is a sustainable camping?

Sustainable camping is camping with little or no impact at all on the environment. All you are planning to do, you do not do immediately. Instead, firstly, you think if your action will cause any damage to the environment. Then, you move on to actions. In a way, it may seem a bit complicated, but over time you will acknowledge that it only requires a little bit of forward-thinking. And that is all! 

Besides, with the help of our professional team, you can not only enjoy eco-friendly camping, but you could build your own! Easy and affordable. I am talking about a few simple steps that will make all the difference! The future generations, flora and fauna, and the whole planet – will be thankful to you! So check out my eco-friendly tips for the ultimate sustainable camping experience below!


Be a responsible camper - all about sustainable camping

Firstly, if you will to join an eco-friendly camping globe family, you should choose only sustainable camping spots. If there are not any around, then at least you be the sustainable camper as much as you can.

Sustainable camping spots should be:

– Recycling-friendly

– Power & Water-friendly (saving and reusing/repurposing solutions)

Without chemicals (everything as natural as possible

– Environmentally friendly

Here is what you can do to do your part for eco-friendly camping:

1. Travel less, explore more

C02 emissions are a huge problem. Luckily, we can do something to reduce our carbon footprint. Try to explore the coastline and countryside that is not far away. Instead of travelling more, travel less but explore more! There are dozens of hidden gems along the way. So try to focus on those to master how to be a responsible camper.

2. Less electricity, more solar panels

Silent, sustainable solar panels will power your lighting and charging. But also showering! Solar panels use renewable energy with sun energy, and they allow you to enjoy an eco-friendly camping trip. As long as you want, but remember to park your van or put your solar-powered things in a sunny place.

3. Spare on water and repurpose it

We are spending so much water. We throw a lot of water just because we have a lot! How silly! Try to think how many people in this world do not even have drinking water or a hot shower! So always make an effort not to waste this precious resource. If you are adventuring around areas with a freshwater source – use it! Then, if, for instance, when you clean the dishes after dinner or use a portable shower, try to stick to just one bucket. Always be aware of how much H20 you need. The less you plan to use, the less you will have to carry, store, etc. Try these tips on a Zlatar lake campsite stay!

4. Reuse your dishes, camping gear

Now is the time to ditch plastic cups, cutlery, and plates! Plastic has critical consequences for the environment, and it should no longer belong on this planet. Plus, they are also more expensive in the long run. Metal, bamboo, or any other cutlery can be washed and used more times It is a single investment. Plus, it weighs so little, and you do not have to bother having an extra thing on your back. Also, be considerate of your camping gear. Never buy new if something breaks. First, try to fix it or replace it. Eventually, you can also rent it.


Besides, you can also use these things instead of plastic to be a more eco-friendly camper:

– Reusable water bottles

– Tupperware, beeswax wraps

– Rechargeable batteries

 No wonder how sustainable camping is one of the coolest outdoor adventures!


5. Minimize waste with meal prep

Firstly, calculate how many people are adventuring with you. Then, how many folks are there to feed, and how much food do you need for how many days? It may sound like a pain in the ass, but this will help you A LOT. Secondly, before you stock up on camping food, make a list of exactly what meals you’re going to eat and all the ingredients you will need. This preparation will make fewer leftovers end up in the landfill! Try this at Zlatar lake campground and have fun during team building!

Thirdly, when you’re ready for shopping, bring your reusable shopping bags. Try avoiding grocery stores because there you can find many plastic packages. Instead, try local farmer’s markets whenever you can. That is an ideal place to buy ingredients for your next trip – less plastic packaging and often costs less than what you usually pay in a supermarket. In the end, it all comes down to planning! Also, if you can compost, compost! Buying organic food and biodegradable things and packing is another way to set your eco-friendly camping to a higher level.

6. Go easy with the campfire

I know, we all love barbecue and all those sorts of things. But always be cautious. Fire is an enemy during the summer and dry seasons. That is why, in some countries, it is illegal to make an open fire during the spring and summertime. This is another crucial point on how to be a responsible camper.


Here are some tips on how to do a campfire in an eco-friendly camping way:
– Use firewood from a sustainable supplier
– Do not collect more kindling than you need
– Don’t ignite a larger fire than necessary
– Don’t burn things around just for fun or anything man-made
– Make sure to let the fire burn down to ash as much as possible before it extinguishes it
– Put the sand, pour water, or dry dirt onto the embers until your firepit is wet
– When you do meal preparation, use a portable camping stove or a campground barbecue

7. Recycle your rubbish to become a sustainable camper

I think we all know how to recycle, right!? As you already know, maybe it is only to say how you can make recycling easier while camping. Bring a few separate containers for every kind of rubbish, and after that, you will have fewer jobs. Here is an extra tip: do not mix your trash, and make noticeable identifiers, notes, or such on each container. Just remember to dispose of the garbage well.

8. Respect the flora and fauna

Never destroy the flora and disturb the fauna. The temptation to get close to unique wildlife is understandable, but try your hardest not to do that. All that can lead to hurting the ecosystem, which no one wants.

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9. Leave no trace, only footprints

The golden rule related not only to sustainable camping but any adventure related to nature: never leave your trash and never take flora or fauna with you. Generally speaking, if everyone does little from our side, this world could be a much better place! Try at least some points from the mentioned above, and you will start feeling better. You will for sure become a much more responsible camper and human. Join us in sustainable camping by becoming a responsible camper! Eco-friendly camping is a better way to camp than any other!

Is camping good for the environment? Final words

All in all, I hope now you know how to be a responsible camper and how to do sustainable camping no matter where you go. Is camping good for the environment? Yes, if we make it that way. If we enjoy exclusively responsible camping, not a wild one without any rules and respect towards nature. Nature is waiting and you shall answer!

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