Valentina Vučičić
By Valentina Vučičić /

Why is Reconnecting With Nature Important for a Healthy Life

Why is Reconnecting With Nature Important for a Healthy Life

Reconnecting with nature is super important for a healthy life and one of the first steps of changing human behaviours for eco-friendlier outdoor activities.

In a stressful and chaotic world, nature brings us moments of peace. But also tranquillity and splendid joy. Many of us have forgotten how nature brings us deep inner peace. Nature brings us, not only peace but also true happiness, only if we let it. Today, we have a chance to reconnect with nature again – stronger than ever!

What is going on in the world, and how reconnecting with nature can help?

We became busy, living our fast lives in industrialized and urbanized areas. Most people visit nature rarely. Some people go to nature – yet only sometimes. Yet, the smallest number of people spend more time in nature than in civilization. Welcome to the 21st century.
Recent studies and statistics show how we spend a few hours a day in front of our screens: laptops and mobile phones. That is obvious – go out to the city, and you will see almost every second person with their face on their phone. Go to dine-out or take a ride by public transport. Nearly every person is looking at its screen!

Without a doubt, technology is indeed helpful and a wonderful thing. Nowadays, we can even work from our homes thanks to technology. We can speak with our friends, family, and lovers via the internet. We can study via the internet, and do a bunch of other things. Indeed, life is easier with technology – a lot easier. However, everything has its pros and cons. Technology is not an exception either.


Benefits of reconnecting with nature and spending time outdoors

More than 75% of the world’s population lives in urban spaces. That part of the population does not have much of nature, a perfect outdoor experience nearby, or time to visit it often. Connecting and reconnecting with nature is becoming quite important. More important than ever! Moreover, many studies show how indoors, away from nature increases physical and mental diseases. Yet, 120 minutes in nature weekly is linked to well-being and good health. Spending time in nature helps with many illnesses and health problems: anxiety, diabetes, depression, migraines, heart diseases, and asthma. Thus, be outdoors to stay healthy, and choose outdoor adventures solo or as a family bonding with your loved ones!

Of course, it is not always possible to walk, like studies suggest: 20 minutes a day. Nevertheless, there are still plenty of ways to let nature come into your home. Surprisingly – or not, studies show that if you can look at the greenery, plants, and trees out of the window, you will have a bigger chance of getting well sooner!


That means that observing nature through the window is linked to a faster recovery and shorter hospital stays. Not only that, but also better school results and performances, reduced stress, and less violent behaviours.
But how can we reconnect with nature? Going outdoors is the best and the easiest way to do it. Try doing it with your loved one and choose some of the best romantic getaways!
However, if you are often feeling unmotivated, here are some of the tips on how to do it even when you are at zero motivation:

- Make social events outdoors

I assure you, you are never alone when in nature. However, I understand if you are one of those folks who don’t like to go outdoors alone. Fair enough! If that is the case, ask your friends to join you! If your friends cannot join us, hey – it is not the end of the world! Then make friends online or create a social media event link notifying people about a fun outdoor meeting. You will socialize more, and in the meantime, you will also spend time reconnecting with nature! Choose hiking to spend time outdoors easy way or adrenaline adventures for some tasty adrenaline!


-Set yourself a daily goal

Leave what studies say – 20 minutes in nature. If you can’t spend much time in nature every day, use various applications to track your time. Start small and little by little – increase your time in reconnecting with nature. Set that alarm and see how time flies. When in nature, don’t think about time. Just relax and soak in nature’s beauty. Surrender – completely. That is the way to spend time in nature and get the best out of it! If you do not believe me, try it!

- Get outdoors during your school or job breaks

If you are not having enough free time, use your lunch breaks to spend time outdoors. Feel it and reconnect with nature, at least for a short while – while on your break. Go alone or with your colleague, and have quality time in a natural setting. It does make a difference even though you may not see it immediately – or you will!

- Lure nature into your home or garden

Luring creatures in your home is a perfect way to feel more of nature when you cannot go out. Thus, try making tiny wooden houses for birds. Or, plan and buy flowers to attract bees and other insects. Did you know that you can also add pipes or similar materials to your garden? After that, you can hope that at least one creature will come and sleepover. Soon, your home or yard can become a home to more cool living beings, not just your home!

- Go on a date in nature

Take your lover on a date in nature. Did you know that going on a nature date is not only romantic but also a healthy and fun way to hang out? Forget about fancy restaurants, bars, or concert halls. Instead, invite your partner to reconnect with nature in two. Who knows, perhaps that will be your best day ever! You have to try it out! Tip: take your loved one to one of most hidden Europe’s hidden gems – Ohrid. 


Final thoughts on reconnecting with nature

As can be seen above, nature’s benefits are unquestionable. Nature allows us to do a little self-care every day free of charge. But remember, the only rule you have to follow is this one: leave nothing but footprints. Without a doubt, you will experience positive energy and many benefits from being in nature, perhaps right away. But you have to let yourself and your mind go! Ideally, you and everyone who starts spending more time in nature will begin to value nature more, wanting to preserve it and protect it. Then, the next step is awareness of the environment. You are becoming fully aware of natural beauties and the importance of caring for nature when outdoors.

Soon after, you will start to wonder how to take care of nature when outdoors. Instantly, it will be a lot easier to spend more time in nature and to surrender more often. After a while, you will feel why reconnecting with nature is crucial, and you will also sense all the positive effects it has on you. If you reconnect with nature regularly, you will heal, in a way. You will become a better person, ready to help others to become the same, to have an eco-friendly lifestyle and to try adventure travels. For instance, you can explore fun things to do in Slovenia and reconnect with nature in some of the most beautiful European countries.

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